Extraordinary General Meeting 2021
Extraordinary general meeting 27 Jan 2021
- Minutes EGM BoMill AB 20210127
- Voting list EGM BoMill AB 20210127
- Notice of extraordinary general meeting of BoMill AB (publ)
- Annons SvD Kallelse till extra bolagstamma 201218
- Notification of attendance and form for advance voting by postal voting
- Anmälan och formulär för förhandsröstning genom poströstning
- Power of Attorney
- Fullmaktsformulär
- Årsredovisning 2019
- Appendix 1B Boards proposed Resolution to Issue Warrants
- Appendix 1C Terms and Conditions Issue Warrants
- Appendix 2 Boards Report and Auditors Opinion according to ABL 14.8
- Minutes AGM BoMill AB Extract 200623