Our team
Our strong international team is based in Malmö, Sweden . We sell quality sorting technology and know-how throughout Europe and North America, using our own sales organization or agents/distributors.

Born in 1972, with various previous managerial and technology key positions, among others as Managing Director for Ecolean in China and USA.
Other assignement: -
Education: Business Economics studies at Executive Foundation in Lund (Sweden) and General Management Program at Insead (France).
Shareholding: 487 482 shares

Born in 1977, 18 years of experience from different key technical and senior management positions at JBT Foodtech AB.
Other assignement: -
Education: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Lunds Institute of Technology (Sweden).
Shareholding: 475 800 shares

Born in 1980, with extensive financial and accounting experience. Cajsa has held business and financial positions at several companies.
Other assignement: Controller/Team Leader at Pragati.
Education: Qualified Controller and Market Economist from EFL Lund (Sweden).
Shareholding: 26 000 shares indirect (via Caeli Invest AB)

Born in 1987, with experience from the food and feed industry where she had various technical and commercial positions in Chile and Sweden.
Other assignement: -
Education: Master degree in Industrial Technology from Chile and EMBA from Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
Shareholding: -

Born in 1978, with international experience in marketing and sales from different sectors including the grain industry in France.
Other assignement: -
Education: Master in Wood Science & Technology from ENSTIB (France) and MBA from Badford School of Management (UK)
Shareholding: 117 000 shares

Hansi Biedermann
Business Development Manager (since 2023)
+46 (0)735 78 85 75
Born in 1986, extensive knowledge and experience of the BoMill technology through various positions within the company (employed by BoMill since 2009).
Other assignment: Board Member at his own company Windgruber AB
Education: Master of Technical Nanoscience from Lunds Institute of Technology. (Sweden)
Shareholding: 190 346