Flour mills
By sorting all individual kernels in a batch of grains based on protein content, BoMill InSight™ enables flour mills to optimize their wheat supply, getting the maximum value out of homegrown crops while targeting specific baking qualities.
Get maximum value out of your wheat supply
- Manage fluctuating quality of harvests and shortage of high protein wheat
- Increase use of locally produced wheat
- Improve naturally baking properties for specific production

Example of application in a flour mill

BoMill InSight™ at a glance
BoMill InSight™ is a unique individual grain sorting solution, based on NIT technology, able to take advantage of quality variation within bulk of grains.
- Segregate grain batch, at industrial speed, on grains’ inner qualities such as protein content or fusarium contamination.
- Produce homogeneous batches of grain to improve process efficiency and strengthen quality assurance
Our aim is to deliver advanced solutions that create sustainable value to our clients.
It all starts with us understanding your unique needs and exploring together the opportunities for your business.